Signs at the Imperial Palaces and beyond.
Purple Air Comes From the East!!!!
"Ci Zi Dong Lai" is the pin yin version of this ancient saying.

This is from the Ancient text of "Daoism". Lao Zi noted in the text that this represents Heaven and Earth. It represents the "Qi" or aura coming from the break of dawn. This represents a powerful force of energy from the rising sun.

Below some great signs in both Imperial Palaces located in Shenyang and Beijing. The photo on the left is Beijing and right is Shenyang. Can you see the difference? What is different in the writings?

Both have top to bottom writing. One has the Manchurian language (that was borrowed from Mongolia) written on the right of the Chinese characters. And the other has the Manchu language written on the left of the Chinese characters. This shows how the same dynasty changed its way of thinking and detached itself from it's Manchurian roots. As it is on the left side in Shenyang's photo, that was more prominently used. As they took over Beijing, the Manchu written language took second seat to the traditional Chinese written language.

Another sign above, from a monastery in Beijing (a monastery) and shows the differences in 4 written languages. The similar ones are on the far right and far left. The second language is Tibetan. The third language is Chinese.
Can you guess the first and fourth?
It is not easy to tell.
First text is Mongolian as this is a sign from a temple located in North Asia. Mongolians are the Shamanistic tribal people while the fourth one is Manchurian in respect of the ruling dynasty similar to the Beijing gate sign.